Our Academics
Academic Procedure
- The academic session of all the branches of naval's academy starts in April Every year on the Date announced
- The students are advised to fill form and deposit it at the reception counter within the specified date
- Admission to any Class will be given only after prior registration and clearence of the pre-admission test by the applicantes
- Registration for admission opens from class Playway to IX in the First week of january
- Transfer of student from one branch to another in running session will not be allowed except in very compelling circumstances
- Power to waive this condition will be only with chairman
- Admission will take effect from the date on which the admission from ,duly completed in all respect ,is acepted by the principal
Fee Chart
The fee-chart for the session indicating the admission fee, monthly fee. computer fee, conveyance fee and all other charges may be obtained from the Academy’s office. Fees will be collected quarterly between 1st to 10th of April, July, October and January respectively. If fee is not paid by the10th of said months, late fee will be charged.
The name of the student failing to deposit the school fee even after one month from the due date will be struck off the rolls without any notice. Conveyance fee for twelve months will be collected once in a year in the month of April, at the time
School Out Fit

The Students will be required to come to academy wearing the full set of the uniform approved and notified by the academy. the uniform worn should be neat and clean and presentable .Any violation of this will be punishable by the class teacher or the principle.
It’s essential to adhere to your school’s dress code, which may have specific rules about colors, logos, or styles. Additionally, consider the weather and your own personal style when choosing your school outfit.
Test and Examination
Pursuant to CBSE guidelines, Naval’s Academy strictly follows the latest pattern of tests and examinations prescribed by the Board. From classes I to X, there shall be two Periodic Assessments (PAs) in the months of July and December respectively and two Terminal Examinations in the end of September and February every year. The marks obtained by the students in these PAs and Term 1 & Term 2 will be added to their final results in the form of marks and grades The promotion to the next higher class and rank in the class will be decided on the basis of final result of the student
The portion to be taught in the class and covered in the Periodic Assessments (PAs) and Terminal Examinations will be made known to the students in advance and their parents/guardians are expected to ensure that their wards prepare well. In addition to the above, students may be asked to sit for class tests at the end of each chapter of their course books.
For class XI, two Unit Tests, Half Yearly and Annual Home Exams will be conducted For class XII. the provision of Unit Tests, chapter wise tests, Half Yearly and Pre Board exams on CBSE pattern will be applicable Final Exams of class XII are conducted by CBSE from the last week of February Prior to this, practical exams take place in the months of January and February
Discipline : A Warning
If any student of any Branch of the Naval’s Academy is found in any act of serious indiscipline, misconduct or misbehaviour anywhere, he/she will be rusticated forthwith, Such a student will be debarred from admission to any other Branch of Naval’s and the Transfer Certificate, if issued in such a case, will bear the remark “Rusticated due to indiscipline/misconduct/misbehaviour.” No appeal will be entertained for any such action taken against any student. Any act of indiscipline/misconduct/ misbehavior, even if not of very serious nature, will be viewed seriously for action