Ayodhya Branch

Naval’s Academy is all set to spread wings toward the capital city of Uttar Pradesh. The first stop fl Ayodhya where an exclusive Branch of the academy came up in the session 2019-20. The school is one of a kind where children are provided special care on language and puzzle. Half of the problem is alived if understood well so language is important, and total problem is solved with an active mind, a puzzle is important. “Leam while you play and play while you learn is the motivating factor in the campus Children are taught through Toy Lab and Smart Class A there based Theatre and large Auditorium are the center of attraction Comfort of the children is responsibility of the school with its fully air conditioned class-rooms and auditorium, and an overall child-friendly congenial learning Enviroment


Naval's National Academy - Ayodhya, Amrawati Bhawan, Fatehganj Devkali Rd, Uttar Pradesh 224001

Contact Number


Monday to Saturday - 10AM to 3PM
Sunday - Holiday