Kashan Khan, student of Class XI from NAVAL’s Buxipur Branch
Effective education often involves a balanced approach that combines clear expectations, support, positive reinforcement, and opportunities for students to take responsibility for their own learning. While some rules and structures are essential, it’s equally important to create an environment where students are motivated, engaged, and inspired to achieve their desired results through intrinsic motivation rather than fear or strict enforcement.

Kashan Khan, student of Class XI from Buxipur Branch expresses his views on whether a student needs to adopt strict measures to give desired results or not.
Sometimes laying down the law sometimes aggravates the problem, the children display behavioural problems and show less initiative and persistence. They are more likely to develop depression and anxiety, demonstrating more defiant behaviour, hyperactivity, aggression, and antisocial behaviour.

Therefore while having boundaries and expectations of children is healthy, rules have to be balanced with warmth and respect for the child as well.