Our Facilities & Infrastructure

Computer Classes
Computer literacy is an indispensable part of education today. There is hardly any branch of knowledge or technology in which computers have not been pressed into service in view of this fact, every Branch of Naval's Academy provides computer classes to the children from an early stage A full-fledged computer wing is attached to every branch where the latest computers with necessary gadgets are installed and classes/demos are conducted by qualified teachers in a graded manner

Conveyance Facility
Academy's buses run on the chartered routes of the city in the moming for carrying the students from the stops nearest to their residence to the Branch concerned, and in the aftermoon back to their stoppages. Students availing the bus facility have to observe the notified bus timings. Those missing the bus due to their own fault will have to make their own arrangements for reaching and returning from the Academy. Students and their Parents/Guardians may please note that concerned Academy accepts no responsibility for any mechanical failure, road accident and disruption of traffic or any other unavoidable factors. The Branch Academy offers this service as a measure of convenience and it cannot be claimed as a matter of right. Information regarding the bus routes, stoppages, timings and charges may be obtained from the Branch office

Library Every Branch has a well furnished library where books and reading materials on vanous subjects of interest for the students and the teachers are available. Students may make use of the library during the recess or after the school hours or even on holidays with the permission of the Principal Students must borrow books from the library for the specified duration. Any damage caused by the students to the library books or any loss of the books by them will have to be compensated in accordance with the rules and regulations of the library

Science Laboratory
Every Branch running Science classes at the Secondary and Senior Secondary level has well furnished science laboratories for its students for doing their practical. The Labs will be operated only under the guidance and supervision of the Science teachers and the Lab Assistants. Loss or damage caused to the apparatuses and materials in the labs will have to be made good by the students responsible for it. The A.V. English Room

A. V. English Room
Perfection and excellence in all spheres is the hallmark of the day. So it is our duty to produce future citizens who can cope with the challenges of a rapidly advancing world while making a significant contribution to the society and community Keeping this fact in mind, we have a spacious Language room equipped with T.V., v.C.R.. Music system etc, and qualified and experienced teachers. Special English classes are held here with audio-visual aids being used for teaching pronunciation, accent. vocabulary and other language skills.

E-Learning Classes
Sometimes certain explanations are not correctly understood by the children due to non-formation of images in their brain. Therefore, we have launched the scheme of Smart Classes help in gaining advance knowledge that further helps in developing an interest within which gives an audio-visual presentation of the topics Moreover, the the mind of the students. Clarity of subject matter and concept formation gain momentum

Air -conditioned Hostel
We have broken the misconception that education and boarding facilities of international class are confined in certain distant parts of the country and restricted for special class only. Naval's Academy has developed it's Kusmbi branch to such standard that now students of the most backward part of the country are in position to fulfill their dreams of getting education and enjoying boarding facilities of nemational class at a price affordable to the pockets of their parents.