Chairman's Message
Dr. Sanjayan Tripathi
Naval’s Group of School & Colleges ,Gorakhpur

Chairman's Message
Dr. Sanjayan Tripathi
Naval’s Group of School & Colleges ,Gorakhpur
"Man can be as Strong as steel the potential is hidden , By means of proper direction and explanation , good counsel and meaningful education , that potential will be brought to the fore"
First of all, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the Navalians who have been our family members and extended their unconditional support to me in the journey of developing school education system since 1995. Now we stand anxiously to greet them in the grand celebration of Naval’s Academy Silver Jubilee Year as we have to completed 25 years of uninterrupted services to the nation to cherish the goals of school education and will do in the future.
Naval’s Academy, one of the largest group of schools in Eastern UP, aims at imparting complete and quality education to the children of the country beyond its ambience. We take every endevour to transform a child into a whole man by providing holistic education. We leave no stone unturned to make the student physically fit, mentally alert, socially sensitive, emotionally strong and spiritually awakened.
A child, who is the most wonderful creation of nature, is endowed with boundless energy and tremendous potentials. She/he is the source material in the hands of society and education is the technique by which the society turns that source material into worthy citizens. We recognize that education is a magic stone which turns clay into a gem. That is why Naval’s Academy always shows maneuver ability and alacrity to provide suitable platforms to its students and staff to develop their life skills mult dimensionally.
Besides subject teaching in class rooms, strong emphasis is given to co-curricular activities so as to relate school leaming process to real life experiences in conformity with NCF-2005. Most important characteristic features of our schools are that our Principals and faculty members encourage children to reflect on their own leaming and prepare to pursue imaginative activities and questions. Inculcating creativity and initiative have been possible in the precincts of Naval’s Academy because we perceive and treat children as participants in learning not as receivers of a fixed body of knowledge. We create an environment of rigorous practice so that our students may emerge with higher academic potentials equipped with multi disciplinary knowledge. EduLympics 2K19 is the latest example in this direction that attracted thousands of talent at one place for complete four days and nights This brochure seeks to give information succinctly about the
Naval’s Educational Society Gorakhpur and the working rules followed by>it running under the aegis of the Society. Conspicuous features of the schools have also been hinted at, where felt necessary. We hope that students, parents, teachers and all other stake holders will appreciate our efforts to make each branch of Naval’s Academy into an Exclusive Knowledge Imparting Zone.