PARAJANYA SINGH, Class, IX Naval’s Academy, Unnwal
The effectiveness of learning is not determined by whether it’s online or offline but by the engagement, curiosity, and dedication of the learner.”PARAJANYA SINGH of Class. IX From Unnwal branch speaks about Life as a constant learning experience and lessons don’t start and stop in a classroom.

Continuous learning is process of life, pinnacle of the attitude and vision of the universe. The day we stop learning new things professionally / personally, literally, it would be the end of life. The learning is the only thing which distinguish humans from animals. Being a human, we have a great privilege to think. Thinking is a great thing we all can do. I would remember a great quote from

Respected APJ Abdul Kalam regarding learning “Learning gives creativity, creativity leads to thinking, thinking provides knowledge, knowledge makes you great”. This is all a process, if we stop learning and thinking, then there is no creativity and knowledge in our life. Therefore, every human being should struggle beyond anything in order to learn new things.